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斯诺登开Twitter账号 关注NSA引爆网络:亚美体育app

发布时间:2024-10-22 02:46:01点击量:813
本文摘要:Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, opened his Twitter account with a joke on Tuesday. “Can you hear me now?” he wrote, in a short message that electrified the social network and made reference to his revelations about the agency’s spying on phone calls.本周二,国家安全局(National Security Agency)前承包商雇员爱德华·J·斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)在Twitter上开办账户,并开了个笑话:“现在你能听见我吗?

Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, opened his Twitter account with a joke on Tuesday. “Can you hear me now?” he wrote, in a short message that electrified the social network and made reference to his revelations about the agency’s spying on phone calls.本周二,国家安全局(National Security Agency)前承包商雇员爱德华·J·斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)在Twitter上开办账户,并开了个笑话:“现在你能听见我吗?”这条爆炸Twitter的结尾帖子嘲讽了国家安全局监听电话的行动。Mr. Snowden’s first words on his verified account were borrowed from an old television commercial for Verizon, in which an actor playing a technician tested the range of the company’s wireless network.斯诺登用证书帐户收到的第一句话,借出了威瑞森(Verizon)以前的一则电视广告的台词。

在那个广告中,一名演员装扮成技术人员,对公司的无线网络覆盖范围展开了测试。When Mr. Snowden disclosed the scope of N.S.A. surveillance and the role of American communications companies by leaking a trove of classified documents in 2013, the first revelation was a secret court order compelling Verizon to give the N.S.A. information on all telephone calls in its systems, which was published by The Guardian.斯诺登在2013年泄漏了大批机密文件,曝光了国家安全局的监控范围以及美国通信公司在其中扮演着的角色。首当其冲的是一条秘密的法庭令其,它被迫威瑞森将其系统中的所有电话记录递交给国家安全局。

此事刊出在了《卫报》(The Guardian)上。As word spread that Mr. Snowden’s account was genuine, and he racked up more than 160,000 followers in his first hour on the network, several users noted that he was following only one account: that of the N.S.A.用于这个Twitter账户的是斯诺登本人的消息很快传到。他通车账户刚刚一个小时,注目者人数就突破了16万。

一些用户找到,斯诺登只注目了一个帐户:国家安全局。Among those welcoming Mr. Snowden was Glenn Greenwald, the former Guardian journalist who revealed Verizon’s role in the N.S.A.’s bulk domestic phone records program after meeting the former contractor in Hong Kong and obtaining the documents.不少人对斯诺登回应了青睐,其中之一是前《卫报》记者格伦·格林沃尔德(Glenn Greenwald)。当年他在香港与斯诺登会面并获得资料之后,向公众揭发了威瑞森在国家安全局大规模监听电话的计划中起着的起到。

According to Dan Froomkin of The Intercept, Mr. Snowden was prodded to join Twitter by Neil deGrasse Tyson, the astrophysicist and television host, during an interview on his “Star Talk” radio show, “via robotic telepresence from Moscow,” where he has lived since winning temporary asylum in Russia in 2013.美国新闻网站The Intercept的丹·弗鲁姆金(Dan Froomkin)回应,斯诺登在Twitter上开账户是理会了天体物理学家、电视节目主持人尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森(Neil deGrasse Tyson)的建议。当时他“从莫斯科通过机器人远程连线”,在泰森的广播节目《星语》(Star Talk)中拒绝接受专访。自从2013年取得俄罗斯临时避难之后,斯诺登就仍然住在莫斯科。

Dr. Tyson was among the many users of the network to welcome the whistle-blower, and the first Mr. Snowden responded to, striking up a brief conversation.泰森博士是向这位泄密者回应青睐的众多Twitter用户之一,也是斯诺登第一个恢复的人,两人展开了结尾对话。Mr. Snowden’s short Twitter biography reads: “I used to work for the government. Now I work for the public.” It also mentions his role as a director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, a nonprofit organization “helping support and defend public interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption and law-breaking in government,” which has as one of its founders Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War.斯诺登Twitter帐户上的概述写到:“曾多次我为政府工作。现在我为公众服务。

”其中也提及了他目前是新闻自由基金会(Freedom of the Press Foundation) 的一名总监。该基金会是非营利的组织,目的“协助反对和保卫合乎公众利益的新闻报道,侧重于揭发政府的管理疏于、贪腐和违法问题”,其创始人之一丹尼尔·埃尔斯伯格(Daniel Ellsberg)曾在越南战争期间曝光了五角大楼文件(Pentagon Papers)。



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