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‘亚美体育app最新版下载’因资金问题 乐视宣布在美国裁员325人

发布时间:2024-10-21 02:46:01点击量:446
本文摘要:Chinese technology conglomerate LeEco said it plans to eliminate about 325 jobs in the US and sharply reduce research-and-development operations.国内科技集团乐视称之为,计划在美裁掉大约325个工作岗位并大幅度缩减研发业务。

Chinese technology conglomerate LeEco said it plans to eliminate about 325 jobs in the US and sharply reduce research-and-development operations.国内科技集团乐视称之为,计划在美裁掉大约325个工作岗位并大幅度缩减研发业务。While weve made progress in growing our distribution channels, the challenges with raising new capital have made it difficult in the past few months to support our business priorities, LeEco said in a statement last Tuesday.乐视上周二在一份声明中称之为:“虽然我们在加添销售渠道方面获得了进展,但在过去几个月里,筹措新的资本方面的挑战使得反对业务优先性显得艰难。”As a result, the capital we do have will have to be highly focused, resulting in a significant restructuring and streamlining of our business, operations and workforce.“因此,目前我们手头的资金将必需高度集中,这造成了根本性重组和业务、运营以及员工人数的精简。”The job cuts affect all of the company’s departments, but especially the RD team, according to the company.乐视称之为,此次裁员波及该公司的所有部门,但研发团队受到的影响最为相当严重。

The San Diego office, which employed primarily people working in RD, is closing and employees left at the whittled-down US business will focus on serving customers who have already purchased LeEco devices.圣地亚哥办事处将被重开,这里的员工多是研发人员,在已被巩固的美国业务中留给的员工将专心于向早已出售乐视产品的客户获取服务。LeEco will continue to sell its smartphones, smart TVs, TV set-top boxes and accessories in the US.乐视将之后在美国销售智能手机、智能电视、电视机顶盒和配件。But after the downsize, marketing efforts will be focused on the Chinese language community in the US.但这次裁员后,乐视的营销工作将射击美国说道中文的群体。



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